The winter-spring 2017 Word and Life series on The Rebirthing of God (Jan. 19 – Mar. 23, 2017) is now under way. The registration of $95 includes a copy of the book and admission to the remaining two-hour sessions, which make up the core of the Word and Life experience. Some financial aid is available for those with limited income. Please talk to Mr. Doering or another member of the Steering Committee about reduced tuition.
Kindly remember that Word and Life is a non-profit organization. We could not “pay the rent,” let alone our distinguished presenters, without meaningful help from donors who can contribute something extra to keep us afloat. Thank you for your support.
Jan. 19 | Introduction, with video of the author and discussion Introduction of speaker Ms. Collis’s presentation |
Katherine Collis, Center for Spiritual Renewal, LCDM |
Jan. 26 | Ch. 1: Reconnecting with the Earth Introduction of speaker Mr. Groves’ presentation Concluding remarks |
Richard Groves, author and pastoral counselor |
Feb. 2 | Ch. 2: Reconnecting with Compassion Introduction of speaker Fr. Clarke’s presentation Concluding remarks |
Rev. Jim Clarke, Director of New Evangelization, Archdiocese of Los Angeles. |
Feb. 9 | Ch. 3: Reconnecting with the Light Introduction of speaker Pat McClure’s presentation Concluding remarks & discussion |
Patricia McClure, Word & Life member, psychologist, former Fulbright Scholar |
Feb. 16 | Ch. 4: Reconnectiing with the Journey Introduction of speaker Rev. Copeland’s presentation Concluding remarks |
Rev. Susan Copeland, chaplain and Healing Touch practitioner |
Feb. 23 | Ch. 5: Reconnecting with Spiritual Practice Introduction of speaker Rev. Dunn’s presentation Concluding reflections |
Rev. Suzanne Dunn, Beatitudes Community |
March 2 | Ch. 6: Reconnecting with Nonviolence Introduction of speaker Dennis Apel’s presentation Concluding reflections |
Dennis Apel, Catholic Worker, Beatitude House, Guadalupe |
March 9 | Ch. 7: Reconnecting with the Unconscious Introduction of speaker Dawn George’s presentation Concluding reflections |
Dawn George, counselor and therapist |
Mar. 16 | Ch. 8: Reconnecting with Love Introduction of speaker Rev. Moore’s presentation Further reflections, Q & A |
Rev. David Moore |
Mar. 23 | Word & Life’s 40th Anniversary Celebration Alice MacDonald remembers Joanna Williams Mary Rosenfeld Gwynn Schultz MarySue Anderson Anne Hawkes Janet Kates Helen Dean Bonnie Orr Christine Milne Gail Campanella Closing Songs with T.Heck |
Collective Wisdom, facilitated by Alice MacDonald, who invited recollections from a variety of our older and newer members. |
When arrangements can be made, we provide digital audio recordings of these presentations for the convenience of those who missed them. Click the “play” button above to hear a specific presentation. You may listen through your Web-connected computer any time using headphones or speakers.
Winter-Spring 2006 | Fall 2006 |
Winter-Spring 2007 | Fall 2007 |
Winter-Spring 2008 | Fall 2008 |
Winter-Spring 2009 | Fall 2009 |
Winter-Spring 2010 | Fall 2010 |
Winter-Spring 2011 | Fall 2011 |
Winter-Spring 2012 | Fall 2012 |
Winter-Spring 2013 | Fall 2013 |
Winter-Spring 2014 | Fall 2014 |
Winter-Spring 2015 | Fall 2015 |
Winter-Spring 2016 | See the drop-down menus under “Calendar & Recordings” (above) for links to more recent sessions. |