The Winter 2019 Word and Life series focused on the book by Mirabai Starr:
God of Love: A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
God of Love is Mirabai Starr’s passionate and personal exploration of the interconnected wisdom of the three Abrahamic faiths. She shares an overview of essential teachings, stories of saints and spiritual masters, prophetic calls for peace and justice, and for the first time in print, deeply engaging narratives from her own spiritual experiences. She guides readers to recognize the teachings and practices that unify rather then divide the three religions, and sheds light on the interspiritual perspective, which celebrates the Divine in all paths. It is Mirabai’s hope that this book will serve as a reminder that a dedication to lovingkindness is the highest expression of faith for all three religions.
1/17/2019 Wk. 1 | Administrative announcements
Tribute to Keith Forster by John Hydar Tributes to Harriet Burke by Mary Rosenfeld et al. I Am (video documentary): “At the core of our existence, there is a genetic capability and need to collaborate and to love one another.” Lively, humorous, and transformative. |
W & L Steering Committee, Judith McDermott, coordinator and host, with members of the W & L community. |
1/24/2019 Wk. 2 | p. 1-35 All creation praises God: Stewardship of the earth. Intro of speaker by Judith McDermott
Imam’s reflections (Pt. 1) Further thoughts, Q & A’s |
Imam Yama Niazi, Founding Director of The Blessed Tree Foundation |
1/31/2019 Wk. 3 | p. 37-53 Reluctant prophets: the divine summons. Intro of speaker by Anna Grotenhuis
Rabbi Cohen’s reflections Further thoughts; Qs & A’s |
Rabbi Steven Cohen, Senior Rabbi, B’nai B’rith; Exec. Director, UCSB’s Hillel Fndtn. |
2/ 7/2019 Wk. 4 | p. 55-82 Longing for the beloved; the illusion of separation, radical wonderment; faith without proof. Intro of speaker by Pat McClure.
Dr. Starr’s reflections (Announcement of the Fr. Virgil Cordano Ctr.) Further thoughts; Qs & A’s |
Mirabai Starr, PhD (author), adjunct professor of Philosophy and World Religions at U. of New Mexico Taos |
2/14/2019 Wk.5 | p. 83-101 Welcoming the stranger. Intro of speakers by Anne Heck.
Hospitality stories by Dennis & Tensie. Q & A session. Appreciations: |
Dennis Apel & Tensie Hernandez, Catholic Worker House, Guadalupe, CA |
2/21/2019 Wk. 6 | p. 103-152 Sacred service; compassionate action. Intro of speaker by Thomas Heck
Rev. Burnette’s reflections. Further discussion and questions. |
Rev. Tim Burnette, Senior Pastor, First Christian Church; Curator, The Way Collective. |
2/28/2019 Wk. 7 | p. 153-170 The Feminine Face of the Divine. We watched & discussed these videos:
We also recommend |
Patricia McClure, MA,Word & Life Steering Committee, moderating selected videos by Mirabai Starr |
3/07/2019 Wk. 8 | p. 171-190 The still small voice. Intro of speaker by Patricia McClure
Dr. Evans’ reflections Concluding reflections and sharing. |
Mary Ann Evans, PhD, Neuropsychologist |
3/14/2019 Wk. 9 | p. 191-208 Fire and wine. Intro of speaker by Michael Dean.
Rev. Consiglio’s reflections and songs. Concluding thoughts and music. |
Rev. Cyprian Consiglio, O.S.B, Prior of the New Camaldoli Hermitage |
3/21/2019 Wk. 10 | p. 209-219 Afterword: waking the inter-spiritual path. Intro of speaker by Anna Grotenhuis.
Rev. Clarke’s reflections Closing thoughts, Qs and As. |
Rev. Jim Clarke, retreat leader, Archdiocese of Los Angeles |
The registration fee ($100) includes a copy of the book and admission to all ten Thursday morning sessions. Single-day sessions are $10 each. Send your check and contact information (phone, e-mail, address) to: Judith McDermott 3731-2 Greggory Way Santa Barbara, CA 93105