It is a time-honored truism that as one door closes another opens. We’re missing our physical meetings as a community (at First Presbyterian Church in Santa Barbara) but discovering an equally vital connection online through the Zoom platform of video conferencing. Click here for more information about Zoom.
In MARCH, 2020, due to the Covid 19 outbreak, our last presentation of Rohr’s Universal Christ was held on our first Zoom platform. Dr. Tim Burnette, Presenter and Zoom-Master
IN APRIL, Catherine Weissenberg created a spontaneous gathering of W&L members on Tuesday mornings. Every week since, volunteer speakers have been offering inspiration and teaching based on the intelligence of the heart. – guiding us to live more meaningfully through the restricted weeks of summer.
IN MAY, David Richo’s expertise and wisdom translated brilliantly through the Zoom format. His lectures and discussion on “Triggers: How we can stop reacting and start healing” are available here.
FALL 2020 The approach we’ve chosen as we journey together through ten tumultuous weeks of this pre-election season is one of conscious purpose: to direct our learning, discussion, and subsequent action toward Healing The Heart of Democracy.
WINTER 2021 (January) The focus of Word and Life’s Winter Series is Anti-Racism. Anti-Racism is a transformative concept that reorients and re-energizes the conversation about racism – and, even more fundamentally, points us toward liberating new ways of thinking about ourselves and each other. We’ve selected two seminal books on the subject which will provide the foundation to study and discuss this vital issue: Howard Thurman’s Jesus and the Disinherited and Ibram X. Kendi’s How To Be An Anti-Racist.
Click here for information and sign-up.